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Neyers Vineyards Blog Page


Subtitle Decoration

I adore the long, exotic finish, and we enjoy it frequently as a change of pace to our home vineyard bottling. A couple of weeks tasting wines in France can change the way you look at a lot of things.

A Visit to the South of France Is A Game Changer

The wine is dark and rich, with an attractive aroma of spice, black cherry, and an earthy minerality. The flavors of blueberry and cassis are charming and complex.

There’s No Post Season Baseball for My Team

We aged the new wine in the barrels for ten months, in constant contact with the yeast lees. This procedure allows for the development of what the French call ‘Noisette’, an aroma reminiscent of Hazelnut that is a valuable part of the aging process.

Yet Another Delicious Chardonnay

I was introduced to Venice in the spring of 1994, when Barbara and I traveled there to attend a friend’s birthday party. It wasn’t really extravagant, as we had already planned to meet in Paris after my business trip to France, so we just postponed our return home by a few days.

Enjoying Zinfandel with a Wine Industry Legend
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